Envoy rewards pilots with Part 121 experience

Already the largest provider of regional service for American Airlines – offering aspiring pilots a direct path to a mainline flying career – Envoy today announced two new incentive programs to maintain that competitive edge when it comes to attracting and retaining experienced pilots.

Enhanced Signing Bonus for Part 121 Experience Pilots

Envoy is actively hiring new pilots each month to support both our scheduled flying and additional flights that American has asked us to perform. In addition to the $5,000 signing bonus all new hire pilots receive, Envoy will now offer up to $10,000 for new hire pilots who have Part 121 commercial air carrier experience. In return for a two-year commitment to Envoy, these pilots will receive $10 for every hour of Part 121 experience they bring to the company. For example:

A new hire with 1,000 hours of Part 121 experience will receive:


$5,000 signing bonus
+ $10,000 ($10 per hour x 1,000 hours)
$15,000 Total Bonus


A new hire pilot with 800 hours of Part 121 experience will receive:

$5,000 signing bonus
+ $8,000 ($10 per hour x 800 hours)
$13,000 Total Bonus


Apply today!


Retention Bonus for Envoy First Officers

To ensure Envoy’s current experienced First Officers (FOs) choose to remain at Envoy, the company today introduced a retention bonus of up to $20,000 for all Envoy First Officers who are on payroll as of March 1, 2016.

The First Officer Retention program begins March 1 and will continue for two years, ending February 28, 2018. Eligible Envoy First Officers will receive $2,500 after every quarter that they remain actively on payroll with Envoy.

“Combined with our unmatched flow-through to American that gives Envoy pilots a direct path to a mainline flying career, these incentive programs will provide Envoy with the competitive edge we need to recruit and retain the very best pilots to join our team,” said Captain Ric Wilson, Vice President Flight Operations. “No other regional carrier can boast of a growing fleet, an outstanding training program and a guaranteed path to fly for the world’s largest airline.”

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