A Trip to Lovetown

This time of year, everything is covered in red and pink. Roses seem to sprout from every nook and cranny. Cupid’s arrow is getting regular time on the runway departing for a trip to Lovetown.

We’re talking about, of course, Valentine’s Day! Whether you love it or hate it, there’s nothing quite as warm and fuzzy as a love story.

Take, for instance, Envoy First Officer Paul Ashby and Flight Attendant Nikki Saffo who met on the job and were recently engaged to be married in July 2017. To add to the list of life changing events, Paul will also be upgrading to Captain in May!

We caught up with the Chicago O’Hare-based lovebirds for a quick Q & A to ask what it’s like to fall in love 37 thousand feet in the air.



Tells us the story of how you met.

Paul: We first met on a night out with a mutual friend in Chicago. I was traveling to Madison for an overnight to fly the next day with Nikki and Captain Jeff Glass. I called Nikki prior to going to Madison and asked if the crew was having dinner and if they would wait for me. We all had dinner together that evening, and Nikki and I started dating shortly after that trip.

How often do you two work a flight together?

Paul: This very rarely happens but when it does, it’s just like a normal flight and we stay focused on our flight duties. The overnights are fun together, it’s usually our date night, and we go out for dinner or shopping.

What are the benefits of working together?

Paul: The benefit is that we understand each other’s schedules. We are not always together, so that’s always hard on relationships within the aviation industry, but we’re both in the industry so we understand.

How did he propose? What were your emotions?

Nikki: Paul proposed on a flight. I was shocked, happy and excited!

What are the most romantic parts of working together as pilot and flight attendant?

Nikki: Romantic times are spontaneous airport dinner dates — when we both end in the same airport at the same time. Also, chasing each other to overnights on days off.

Any big plans for your wedding/honeymoon?

Nikki: We’re having a traditional church wedding in St. Louis, Missouri, and plan on honeymooning in Hawaii with some island hopping.

It seems your upgrade to Captain came at a very opportune time, did you plan it that way?

Paul: No, it was not planned this way. Just happened to work out, but it will make for a fun and busy year ahead!

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