We all have coworkers who bring out the best in their colleagues and go the extra mile to help our customers. To recognize some of these awesome people, the Envoy Flight Service team recently hosted the Outstanding Flight Attendant (OFA) Awards to celebrate some of the best Flight Attendants in the business.
On Thursday, November 10, employees gathered at the CR Smith Museum in Fort Worth, Texas to recognize 29 Flight Attendants with a very special OFA ceremony and luncheon. All winners were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond every day for their colleagues and our customers.
OFA is a program specifically designed to recognize some of our best Flight Attendants. Every quarter, each crew base selects one winner, based on employee and customer feedback, attendance, uniform appearance standards and much more. While the program remained in place through the pandemic, the award ceremony was placed on hold until this year. This resulted in an even bigger celebration, as the OFA award recipients from 2019-2021 were all honored together.
“This is a fantastic award because it comes from the feedback from not only our customers, but also their peers,” said Envoy Senior Vice President of Air Operations, Dee Temples,. “It’s a chance for the best of the best to actually get together in person to see that there are others like them out there.”
Congratulations to the OFA award winners from 2019-2021!