Based at Envoy Headquarters, Capt. Chris Mickey is the fleet manager for our CRJ-700 fleet.
What is the best advice you’ve received?
Don’t ever let anyone stop you from achieving your goals. Work hard, study hard and always be prepared for your next professional challenge.
What keeps you motivated in a fast-pasted industry like aviation?
As the CRJ fleet manager, there are more than 200 pilots who rely on me to accurately and professionally do my job. This requirement is also indirectly mandated from the company’s senior management and our customers.
What’s the most rewarding part of your current position?
While I’m based at Envoy Headquarters, the best part of the position is flying the line in Chicago where I can talk to pilots, flight attendants and our passengers.
What might people not know about you?
I’m a U.S. Marine Corps veteran.